Sunday, May 24, 2009


To any of you that haven't abandoned my blog by this point, I apologize for the long lack of posts. I've been "busy" lately. For those of you in my youth group, you'll understand the reason for the quotation marks. For those of you not in my youth group, the quotation marks mean that I have been "busy" but that I have not been productive. I've been a bit of a procrastinator in many areas including: Bible study, prayer, schoolwork, chores, making important telephone calls, blogging, and anything else I'm responsible for. The order that these areas in is not an accident. They are in order of importance, and unfortunately, it's very similar to the order of neglect, with the exception of course being blogging since this is the first time in a long time I've done that at all.

Basically, I need prayer. I am in need of perseverance to plan out a little more, get the most important things done first, and very important: maintain my prayer life.


Danny said...

You have at least one reader. Keep up the blog if you can, but as you mention, there are more important things in life.

Justine said...

Hey, Eric. Am still checking back here once in a while. :) Ever since I began college, I seem to have gotten my priorities mixed up though I know that God needs to be first. I have also been a bit negligent on the blogging part. Haha. Will keep you in prayer. Hope things are well over at your end. God bless and take care! :)