Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Musical Experience

At South Puget Sound Community College, a production has been going of The Fiddler on the Roof. Hearing about this, my mom suggested that I go and invite a couple of friends. So today, I went to a three hour musical with my mom and one other friend (the other person I invited wasn't interrested). Afterwards, we went and had dinner at Applebees. I was expecting it to be a somewhat fun if not unusual evening, but I ended up finding that I like musicals even more than I thought I did (at least this one). To anyone reading this with prejudices against musicals, don't let your negative ideas get in the way of an enjoyable experience.


Danny said...

Is this post directed at anybody in particular?

Eric said...

No, this post is not directed at anyone in particular. But since we discussed this today, I guess you already knew that.

.justin said...

i too find musicals entertaining.

i really appreciate shs's drama/musical productions!

i like the amateur, student, ones WAY better than the professional productions.