Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Future Christmas

I have to admit, I have been jealous. Whenever I see friends that have large families that they can spend the holidays with, it makes me wish that I had more family close enough to spend the holidays with. Now don't get me wrong, I love all of the family I do have, but I normally don't get to spend any holidays with them, because they are too far away. Spending Christmas with my parents, sister, and nephew is terrific, but I've only experienced a holiday with a large family when I was very young, before I moved to Washington.

That is why when I grow up and have a family of my own, I think that I would like to move back to Washington so that my kids could have the Christmas with their grandparents and parents and maybe even cousins that I have only had when I was too young to remember. Perhaps this seems a little corny, but that's okay with me.

1 comment:

Nate said...

corny or not, family is awesome. I understand where you're coming from, if you recall I lived in Arizona for 5 years and there was no family down there.