Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Better Late than Never........?

Sorry to anyone that is getting irritated with me for not having posted in a while. There are lots of things going on for me right now. This Saturday, I turned 18! and no, I don't feel any different. and no, I still don't have my driver's license and don't have any exact plans on when I will.

But, that obviously isn't what's been keeping me from blogger. I've had homework coming out my ears on some nights, and have just been a little busy. I'm working on planning my future right now, primarily college stuff. There are a couple of other things going on right now. To sum it all up, I need prayer. Prayer for God's plan for me, prayer for stress control, and prayer in general. It would be much appreciated. Thanks.

1 comment:

Justine said...

I thought you gave up on blogging. Haha. (Please don't do that, if you plan to.) I, too, am facing the same college/future predicament. We can only trust God because His plan is always the best. Will keep you in prayer. ;)