Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Heart of a Servant

Luke 4:38-39
38 And He arose and {left} the synagogue, and entered Simon's home. Now Simon's mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever; and they made request of Him on her behalf.39 And standing over her, He rebuked the fever, and it left her; and she immediately arose and waited on them.(NAS)

In these two verses the obviously amazing thing is what Jesus did, He instantly healed Simon's mother-in-law of a severe fever. With the amount of medical care available at that time, who knows what a bad fever could mean. It may be possible that she was in danger of dying. On the other hand, in other places where those Jesus healed were in danger of death, they were said to be dying, not suffering from a fever. In either case, we see another example of Jesus' authority over disease.

The thing that strikes me in this verse is the last part: "...and she immediately arose and waited on them." This woman had just been in bed with a fever, and yet as soon as she was out of bed what did she do? She started waiting on those present! Now that's a spirit of servant-hood!

With guests Friday, today was a house-cleaning day. I did better than last time in the complaint department, but I've still neglected to take out the two bags of garbage in the kitchen. I pray that I can have a more willing (and perhaps less "forgetful") attitude.

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