Saturday, February 2, 2008

Lack of Sleep

Last night was another night of movies, video games, pizza, and music with friends. It's nice to do such things on a Friday night, because you have no responsibilities the next day, right?

Well, maybe not. I had an eye appointment today for my annual contact lense prescription. It wasn't too much fun going to an eye exam after having had four hours sleep the night before, if that. Okay, probably closer to two real hours of sleep. The rest was lying awake talking, staring at the ceiling, or otherwise not sleeping, but mostly just staring at the ceiling.

Normally the ocasionall lack of sleep doesn't bother me, but my eyes were tired, and that was magnified by the air blowing, light flashing, squinting at ridiculously small letters, and various other tests of the like performed on my poor, tired eyeballs. Next time, the eye appointment will not be scheduled the day after a late night (or was it early morning?).

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